søndag den 15. december 2013

The Every Year Collection juleanmeldelse

The Every Year Collection

Forfatter: Cecelia Ahern
Målgruppe: Voksne
Genre: Chick-lit, novellesamling
Udgiver: HarperCollins

A wonderful collection of Cecelia’s short stories
As the smell of pinecones and cinnamon fill the air and the plump turkey roasts in the oven, the final preparations for Christmas day have begun just as they do every year.

The tree lights are twinkling and the mince pies are cooked and there is just one final tradition to carry out before the Christmas magic can begin. This year though, something is different and it’s time for life-long traditions to change.

For years the family has followed the same pattern, not changing their routine through the generations; babies have grown into teens and then adults, and then eventually have had children of their own, but one thing always remained constant throughout…

Time has finally caught up with the family and this year the new traditions must be formed.

Novellesamlingen indeholder små ligegyldige tekster. Den røde tråd synes jeg var nærmest usynlig. Novellerne gav mig mere irritation, ja, alle mulige følelser end god julestemning. Faktisk handlede over halvdelen af novellerne ikke engang om julen. Og dem der handlede om jul gav mig nærmere en negativ følelse omkring julen. Øv!

Jeg har ikke før læst noget af den ellers anerkendte forfatter inden for chick-lit, men det her, med The Every Year Collection, var et dårligt sted at starte. Den burde springes over og dø i stilhed. Dette er en af de bøger hvor man ikke kan lade være med at tænke, om den kun er blevet udgivet for navnet på forfatteren alene.

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